27/Oct 2011
5 min. read
The past weeks most of my time was actually spent on saying goodbye. There were some other preparations as well of course, but most of that had been done already or could be done in between. Although I wasn’t able to say goodbye to everybody I wanted to, as I didn’t manage to make the time to give a goodbye party. Also, I’m not recapping every goodbye here as that would make this post far too long.29/Sep 2011
2 min. read
Hostnet bike Tomorrow is the last day I will be working at Hostnet, the company where I’ve spent so much of my time for the past 6 years. It’s been a lot of fun to work there and I’ve met a lot of good friends during the years. Friends I’ll miss during my travels, but luckily it’s a lot easier to stay in touch these days over vast distances than it used to be.26/Aug 2011
1 min. read
The obligatory first post that is needed for a blog to actually start. Of course, I could try to explain what this site is all about in this first post, but I won’t do that.
All I will say right now is that in here there will be the tales of what happens on my travels, and any more information that is wanted will have to wait until a later day.