31/Jul 2013
4 min. read
Today it’s been a year since I arrived in Australia. In fact, yesterday marked the day that my visa expired and would have had to leave the country. If I was still using that same visa that is. Which I’m not.
Yes, I have a so-called 457 or Temporary Business Entry (Class UC) Work (Skilled) (Subclass 457) visa now for Australia. Regardless of the strange bureaucratic behaviour of using a crazy name and then only focusing on the number, this means that I (and Kelsey as she was the secondary applicant on it) can stay here for 4 years as long as there is a company sponsoring me.2/Apr 2013
4 min. read
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated this blog, and I’ve decided to jump forward to the present time. I’ll post about all the earlier happenings as well, but for now I suspect it’s more interesting to know what I’m up to at the moment. So, without further ado, here’s a short post about Tasmania.
Tasmania Map of Tasmania For the past 7 months we (Kelsey and myself) have mostly spent our time in Melbourne.