28/Jun 2011This site contains a log of my travels. So, who am I?

Yes, this is me
My name is Arjen, and I’m a Dutch guy currently living in Melbourne, Australia. I ended up here after travelling around for a bit and decided to stick around. Before that I traveled through New Zealand for almost a year, as well a couple of other places before coming to Australia. And of course, from Australia I can easily visit more countries so I’m doing that as well.
This blog therefore serves both as a way for me to remember where I’ve been and look back on that, as well as a place where friends and family can easily see what I’ve been up to.
As you can see by the dates at one point I pretty much stopped updating, but I’m planning on catching up on that.
If you’re more interested in what I do professionally, you can find that on my other site ig.nore.me
You can contact me on Twitter or by email.
The site is generated using Hugo and the theme is based on the Red Lounge Hugo theme with a few tweaks to satisfy my own needs.
The country flag images are taken from www.freeflagicons.com.